The year 2022 we opened with a top antenna system and reserve antenna replacement on one of the highest broadcasting masts in Poland located in Zygry near Łódź.
The 16-bay main antenna system produced by Rymsa was 19-meter-tall. The antenna was delivered in two pieces. We installed a new RFS HCA 550 feeder for the new antenna.
The 8-bay reserve system also produced by Rymsa was 8,5-meter-tall. It was installed at the height of 211 meters and powered by a new RFS HCA 550 feeder.
After 55 years the mast in RTCN Łódź Zygry was built, the top antenna was finally installed.
Welcome to watch a YouTube video linked below to see more about the project.
At the turn of March and April we exchanged all four levels of guy ropes on a 260-meter-tall mast in Rachocin near Płock in Poland. Along with the exchange of the guy ropes we installed new tensioners at foundations.
For new guy ropes we used ropes T1x61 with a diameter 36mm.
Our next project in 2022 was installation of a 4-bay UHF TV antenna system in RTCN Łosice near Siedlce in Poland. To start with the installation of the new system we had to move the old 8-bay TV system on adjacent leg without a change in the electrical center of the antenna. Moreover we installed an RFS HCA 300 feeder ended with connectors 3 1/8’’.
Together with the antenna installation we reinforced a part of the mast structure and changed initial forces in guy ropes.