
Our projects - 2020

RTCN Jemiołów, 317,18 m

At the end of 2020 we exchanged guy ropes of III guy level on a 317-meter-tall mast in Jemiołów near Zielona Góra, west of Poland. For the new guy ropes we used ropes with diameter 45 mm.

Along with the exchange of guy ropes we installed new tensioners at foundations. They are longer and a have a bigger adjustment range than those used before. They are equipped with torsion fittings and to some extent adjustment of a guy self-vibration .

The work was significantly hampered by weather conditions especially a large number of  foggy December days.

FM/TV station in Tåsjö, Sweden, 324m

After we erected a 293-m tall mast in the north of Sweden in Tåsjö in 2018, we started the demolition of the adjacent 324-m tall mast in Spring 2020. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic the project was divided into two stages and finished in 2021. The distance between both masts is only 16 meters, which causes clashes at all levels of guy ropes.

Demolition involved removing the antenna system consisting of 12 FM elements, careful dismantling of the main feeder HCA 400 with its total length  ̴160 meters. Part of this project was also careful cutting out the relevant lengths of  mast legs and selected sections of guy ropes to submit them for testing.

RTCN Mikstat, 250,7 m

In Autumn 2020 we replaced a top antenna system in RTCN Mikstat near Kalisz in Poland.  First we dismantled an old TESLA antenna system. Then we installed a 16-bay UHF TV antenna system produced by RFS with superstructure. The total length of the new antenna was 19.5 meters and weighed 8.15 tons.

In addition to antenna installation we exchanged lower and upper cable connectors on feeders 6 1/8”.

For  the correct installation of the intermediate cables the two new ladders had to be designed. Due to a clash of the main feeder with mounting of the designed power divider, it was necessary to move the main 6 1/8” feeder away from the mast side. So we replaced a five-meter-section of the ladder with a new one.