For years we have developed in specialist desining. Our offer includes preparation of construction, executive and technological designs. Due to our experience we also offer design consultations and preparation of guidelines for designing.
Moreover, because of our close cooperation with the most recognized European specialists in the field of tall masts, we offer complete check calculations for newly designed as well existing masts.
To know more about it, we present the some examples bellow.
We replaced antenna systems on the top spire of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.
In preparation it was inevitable to perform a number of calculations and expert reports considering structural strength of the top spire which held antenna systems designed to be replaced.
The task was divided into two stages that we performed during two years, 2016 and 2017. Working periods were largely subject to environmental issues. We had to fit between breeding periods of a peregrine falcon inhabiting right under antenna systems.
The location was central in the city being at the same time the centre of entertainment for crowds visiting the Palace. For safety reasons one of the outer courtyards right by the Youth Palace was closed for public and used solely for our performance..
Transportation of antennas, their supports and special feeder drums performed on our own was held on ropes outside the Palace. The installation encompassed all spire – from underneath the distinctive big sphere to the top – altogether over 40 meters
As a replacement for dismounted systems we installed 7 new antenna systems – 5 x FM and 2 x VHF with feeders – approx. 1000 m of cable with diameter range from 7/8″ to 3 1/8″.
Moreover we repaired spire collets and did anti-corrosion preservation of spire’s cover colored according to its original design.
This was our next turnkey project. We designed this tower in cooperation with Danish company RAMBOLL. The contract included design, obtainment of official permissions, delivery and erection of a tower with foundations. The lattice main part of this 70-meter-tall tower is divided into 7 sections with a length of 10 meters each. The tower main part is designed as a square with a side length from 8.60 to 2.00 meters. Inside the tower there are cable and access ways. Foundations are 5 meters deep in a rock – 150 m3 of reinforced concrete was used. The site is located in a National Park protected by European Regulations on a 904-m hill.
The site is our turnkey design done in cooperation with Danish company RAMBOLL. As a subcontractor we performed all construction and assembly works related to the mast which included construction of foundations, mast erection, TV and VHF antenna systems installation on the top, erection of cables, the check up and connections of systems to transmitters. Erection of this 280-meters-tall mast took 28 days which is the fastest erection of this kind in Poland.