We replace and install new TV antenna systems and repair old ones. We also install VHF, radio and mobile telephony systems. All installations are turnkey – with feeders and connectors, finished with measurements of parameters.
We present the examples of our realizations bellow.
We dismantled a 22-m-long TESLA antenna system. Then we installed a 16-bay, 19.5-m-tall and approx. 9-ton UHF top antenna produced by RFS. The antenna was delivered in two pieces. All was bolted and verticalised at the top of this 317-m-tall mast. Besides, we performed a new interface section where the core and the extension of the antenna was set up. We moved aviation warning lights to the extension. We also exchanged two lower and two upper cable connectors on 6 1/8’’ feeders.
We exchanged an antenna system on a 247-meter-tall mast. Before installing a MUX8 system, we dismantled a TV antenna produced by ZARAT. The main MUX8 antenna system was designed to be installed at the level of 223 meters above ground. We used Kathrein antenna system, 10 bays and 5 sides. The system is powered by HCA 400 feeder with a total length of 226 meters.
On the 15th of May 2016 as a result of a sabotage, the mast in Borås Häglared in west Sweden collapsed. We undertook the erection of a new mast directly for TERACOM according to RAMBOLL’s design. There were 9 companies from 5 European countries engaged in the project. All works took less than 10 months.
The new mast was erected right next to what survived after the sabotage which resulted in a number of clashes during installation of guy ropes – especially those upper additionally equipped in warning spheres. Sections were assembled in a frame designed for this purpose and their vertical erection was performed by our own self-mounting derrick. The mast is equipped in 5 levels of guy ropes with a diameter of 46.4 mm. On the top of the mast we installed a 20.5-meter-tall Kathrein antenna system with a weight of 4.6 tonnes. It was erected in one part.
We performed the erection during extremely harsh weather conditions but it did not prevent finishing in contracted time.